- 132 -

Insured values .............. 75    Net Present Value ...........40

Inventories ................. 69    Non-anglicans, presence of 82,84

Job satisfaction ............ 12    Non-parishioners, support
                                      from ..... 26,35,48,67,109,115
Johnson, L.C. ............ 59,81    
                                    'Other'(as division of diocesan
Jowett, A.C. ................ 16      share)............... 85,87,88  
King, G.M et al .. 8,57,59,61,67    Other pastoral staff ........ 87

Kotler, P. .................. 62    Pareto analysis ............. 18  

Laity .................... .4,56    Parish -
                                      area ...................... 81
Laughlin, R. ........... 101-103      church ..................... 4
                                      expenditure ............... 74
Law ................... 36,47,57      investments ........ 33,68,115
                                      magazine .............. 8O,119
Law of diminishing returns 64,68      population .............. 4,82 
                                      questionnaire ii,21-35,111-115    
Lawler, E.F ............. 13,102      resourcefulness17-21,25,31-32,   
Leeds vicarage ............. 100      role of ................4,7,37
Lester, T. ............... 58,66        duties of ..... 22,27,28,111
                                        role of 14-15,26,27,33,34,58
Local government ..... 50,55,105                                  92
Lucking, R.C. ................ i    Parochial accounting 4,14-17,21, 
Management information 
  systems ............ 59,81,107    Parochial church council   4,14,
Marketing  18,49,56,58,62-67,107     
                                    Parochial/diocesan relationships
McAulay, B. .............. 63,66      (see Diocesan/parochial)            

Merrett, A.J. and Sykes, A.37,42    Patrons ................... 1,54
Methodist Church ............ 64    Payback ..................... 40
Milgram, S. ................. 60    Personnel management ..... 58,61
'Ministry' (as division of          Pew rents ................... 65
  diocesan share) ..... 85,87,88    
                                    Potential income  i,23,28,71,74,
Model of the Determinants of                   76,78,82,87,92,96,98,
  Pay Satisfaction .......... 13             101,106,108,113,118-120
Motivation theory .......... 107    Provinces .................... 5
National Health Service ..... 55    Provost ...................... 5
                                    Public transport ............ 83

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