- 131 -

Cost system ................ 102    Discounted cash flow ......... 41

Court, ecclesiastical ....... 46    Dryden, L. ............. 12,56,59

Curates ................... 4,58    Ecclesiastical Commissioners ...2

Daughter churches ......... 4,49    Electoral roll -
                                      civil ................ 82,98,99
Day schools ............... 8,79      church ........... 77,78,99,100

Deaneries 4,7,57,92,96,98,99,100    Environmental developments . . 83

Deanery financial                   Ethnic minorities ............ 84
  adviser ............ 23,28,113
Dilnot, J. ............. 100-101      management ...... 67-69,104,106

Diocesan                            Fixed percentage ............. 96
  augmentation fund ........ 121
  board of finance 3,6,24,30,33,    Flat rate contribution .... 82,96
    chairman of ....... 16,58,66    Formula ............ 81,88-90,106
  communal fund ............. 69 
  facilities .............. 8,81    Free churches ................ 57
  office ........ 5,24,30,92,114
  secretary                         French, E.A. .............. 46,47
    role of .......5,24,30,33,48
    views of  10,11,21,27,43,45,    Funerals ............... 65,77,78
  share . i,9,17,29,71-90,91,96,    General Synod ............ 5,6,68
  synod ............. 57,105,106    'Giving' -
                                      covenanted ................. 80
Diocesan/parochial relationships      defined .................. 4,59
   8,30,36,37,46,57,60,61,71 89,      direct .................. 55,73
                      97,108,114      general .... 19,20,66,81,84,92,
Diocese,                              special event ..17,18,31,73,115
  role of.........5,37,92,98,108      weekly ........ 17,18,31,73,115 
  views on ........... 24,30,114 
                                    'Guaranteed Annuity' ........ 121
Dioceses :
  Bath and Wells ........... 100    Harness, J.B................... i
  Blackburn ........... 61,96,97
  Bradford  i,2,6-7,13,36,48,68,    Haworth ...................... 48
  Chester ................... 97    Hennessey, D.B. ............ i,ii
  Gloucester ............... 100
  Hereford .................. 99    Henry VIII .................... 1
  Lichfield ............. 97,118 
  Lincoln ................ 98,99    Historic Buildings Council ....53
  Manchester ................ 61
  Norwich ............... 99,102    Hospital chaplains ........... 63                              
  Rochester ................. 97 
  Sheffield ................. 36    Incumbents ..8,18,36,44,58,60,61,
  Southwark ................ 100                               64,108
  St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich 91
  Winchester ................ 96    Inflation accounting ..........68
  York ...................... 97

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