- 133 -

Queen Anne's Bounty ........ 1,2    Sunday school ............... 79

Quinquennial review ...... 75,87    Synodical 
                                      System   24,29,30-31,57,59,108
Rateable values .......... 82,99    
                                    Terriers .................... 69
Ratio analysis .............. 69    
                                    Theatre Roundabout .......... 45
Reformation .................. 1 
                                    Thwaites Brow ...... 38,39,42,53
Retreat House ............... 81    
                                    Tithes ....................... 1
Risk analysis ............... 69    
                                    Tong St. James ........49-52,106
Roman Church .......... 56,57,84    
                                    Tourist trade ...... 35,48-53,84
Rome ...................... 1,l5    
                                    Town and Country Planning 
Rudge, P.F. ................. 57      Act, 1947 ................. 49

Rural dean ............... 4,118    Unemployment rate ........... 84

Slade, F.V. ............. 70,106    Universities ............ 55,105

Solar heating ............... 51    University chaplains ........ 63

'Special effects' ........... 83    University of Bradford
                                      Management Centre .......... i
'Squirearchy' ............... 54
                                    Weddings ....... 57,65,77,78,122
Stewardship   19,20,31-32,66,84,
                           97,98    Wyn, D. ..................... 15
Strategic Management ......... 5
                                    Yield method................. 41
Suffragan bishop ............. 5
                                    Youth organisations ......... 79

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