- 130 -
Actual income .. i,5,74,92,96,101 Capital Investment
Appraisal .... 36,38-44,68,107
Adult organisations .......... 79 Capital values .............. 75
Age of congregation .......... 81 Cash flow ........... 8,56,57,68
Ancillary organisations ...... 79 Cathedral .............. 5,18,45
Anderson, R.S. ............... 67 Catton, C.T. ........ 91-100,102
Annual Capital Charge ........ 42 Central Board of Finance ... 5,8
Annual Parochial (Church) Central Stipends Authority 10,91
Meeting .................. 4,15
Annuates ...................... 1 Chaplaincies ................ 63
Archdeacons ................. 5,7 Chelsea St. John's .......... 46
Archdeacon of Bradford ..12,16,65 Christian Stewardship (see
Archdeaconry of Craven .... 44,48 Church attendance ...57,59,66,78
Architectural features ....... 83 Church buildings,
admission to ........... 17,45
Areas of social responsibility 84 age of .................... 79
costs of maintaining ... 39,45
Association of Supervisory, disposal of ............ 46-48
Technical and Managerial freehold of ............... 36
Staffs (A.S.T.M.S.) ........ 12 general ................ 35-53
'listed' ............... 35,49
Bank accounts, renewal of ..... 36,68,105,107
number of ......... 26,27,28,68 seating capacity of ....... 79
state of .................. 79
Baptisms .................. 77,78 tourist value of ... 48-53,108
usage of ................44-46
Bequests ................... 1,25 Church
Commissioners 2,6,8,36,47,121
Bestic, A. .................. 110
'Church House'..........5,6,91
Beveridge, W.E. .............. 70
Church rate ................. 54
Bibliography ................ 129 Clergy 57,64,65,68,76,87,88,90,
Bishop, role of ....... 5,6,6O,61
views on .......... 24,30 Clergy remuneration 2,3,9-14,29,
Bishoprics of Bradford and
Coventry Act, 1918 .......... 6 Combined services ........ 89-90
Bishop's Council ........... 6,24 Confirmations ......... 72,78,88
Bradford St.Swithins.15,43-44,106 Consumers' Association ...... 13
Budgets ................ 17,68,76 Cost analysis ............... 69
Byzantium .................... 15 Cost benefit analysis........ 68