So successful has the big lagerphone been with children that we (the TNMG) have evolved some smaller versions and called them the stomper sticks. These are pieces of wooden dowel varying in diameter from ¾" to 1" and in length from 17" to 28". Up the lower half of each stick are a series of 25mm or 30mm clout head nails each nail holding two bottle tops in the same way as on the big lagerphone. The upper half of each stick is clear (and carefully smoothed down to prevent splinters getting into tiny hands) and can be used as holding area. Then held more or less vertically and banged on the floor they produce an effect similar to my lagerphone. We use them in a dance fitted to the tune of Cotton Eyed Joe which has a one-two, one-two-three, beat and once the children get the hang of that there is no stopping them. They have been highly successful. Indeed so much so that the rest of the band have now chased us down to the far end of the room so that they (the band) can still hear themselves over the noise of all this stomping.