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The Australian National Folk Festival, Easter 2012
Held at Exhibition Park in Canberra


Well over 200 of us with as varied a range of lagerphones as could be imagined - many of which had been made in a lagerphone workshop as part of the Community Arts section.

It had been my intention to list all of us here with as many pictures as I could find but unfortunately the clipboard containing all my working papers has gone walkabout and at present writing - three weeks later - not yet turned up.    Graham Chalker the NFF secretary has assured me it is certainly 'somewhere' but not yet been able to find out where is that 'somewhere'.   So for the moment I can offer only a few items and would welcome anyone who did participate sending me at least their name and the number of their lagerphone - and photographs where those are available.   I could then start a sort of default list pending something fuller.

However one sad point I put in here in case anyone can help - one little boy, Nathan, and his dad made a lagerphone on the Friday and then when they came to collect it on Sunday evening for the big parade - that also had gone.    Nathan was one very disappointed little boy.   I understand it was a single pole with no cross board but had been labeled with Nathan's name.   Please - if you have collected a lagerphone which has, or might have had, Nathan's name on it could you send me an email ( and I will see if I can get it back to him.

And before we really start it would be only chivalrous of me to give a credit to the previous record holders - Brooweena in Queensland.


Doug hammering
(Sandra Nixon)
Doug hammering
Bell and hooter(Sandra Nixon)
Doug Richardson
First up then Doug Richardson hammering away. Notice the red disk he is fitting - lagerphones are by no means confined to bottle tops ..... .... and then came a hooter and a bicycle bell ...... .... to reach the finished product.


Twosome Sunflower Sawing
Three more finished products
(Both Bob Bolton)
As a result of inadequate prefestival planning we ran out of materials but the stockcamp team went out foraging, came back with various fir boughs, and then loaned me this hand saw with which I was able to cut some more.



And one of Georgia and her friends .........


...... before we all assembled on the arena .......
Assembling1 Assembling2 Assembling3
(All Bob Bolton)


...... and paraded round the festival ....... ..... now watch the video (click the right arrow at bottom left of this graphic).
The parade
(Hannah Fong)
(For some more pictures see the Bush Music Club gallery )


Later news (late May) - some of my papers have been found so I can at least start a listing :
  1. Peter ROSE
  4. Noon DALTON
  5. Bob BOLTON
  6. Molly FREEMAN
  7. Grace HALLIDAY
  8. Katie MORONEY
  9. Alex DENISE
  10. Chris ROSE
  11. Dawn HANSON
  12. Martin GOREING
  13. Kit-Meng BALNAVE
  14. James BARRELL
  15. Rachel MASSEY
  16. Ella HALL
  17. Jewel SMITH
  18. Janice TAYLOR
  19. Graham CALLAGHAN
  20. Fwank HAJNCL
  21. Maddison BROUGH
  22. Marjorie BROUGH
  23. Cyril HUTCHESSON
  24. Diana HUTCHESSON
  25. Ian FOSTER
  26. Ann WILLIAMS
  27. Eileen FROHLICH
  28. Margaret ROBERTSON
  29. Keith LOVELL
  30. Marilyn GOODING
  31. Eltan MESTAN
  32. Brenda BENNETT
  33. Ray HIGGINS
  34. Andre MOORE
  35. Isla MOORE
  36. Lewis MOORE
  37. Kay HAMILTON
  38. Chris SULLIVAN
  39. Dominic ST-CYR
  41. Indians
  43. Margaret KAYE
  44. Nammi HIBBERD
  45. Peter BLISS
  46. Cameron SMITH
  47. Bryan RAE
  48. Bruce WHITE
  49. Chris FITZGERALD
  50. James WRIGHT
  51. Graham ANDERSON
  53. Cill
  54. Letitia HOWLETT
  55. Michele COPPA
  56. Honor GILLIES
  57. Richard GRACE
  58. Liz BAKER
  59. Alina FITZGERALD
  60. Jan POOLEY
  61. John VEEKEN
  62. Molly WISEMAN
  1. Neil McLEAN
  3. Abia BULL
  4. Chris CHARTERS
  5. Ian BULL
  6. Lorrain CHARTERS
  7. Vicki WILKINSON
  8. Michelle COBB
  9. Christine FREEMAN
  10. Audrey STUCKEY
  11. Jenny KUTTEL
  12. Anne WALKER
  13. Tyeesha LESLEY
  14. Robyn WELLS
  15. Elliot BROWN
  16. Richard GALLUZI
  17. Rosemary CAMERON
  18. Thomas STOCKDALE
  19. Cameron DONALD
  20. Bede GARNETT
  21. Maggie GARNETT
  22. Kiri GARNETT
  23. Sara GALLUZI
  24. Felix BOUSTEAD
  25. Jodie O'LEARY
  26. Isabel BOUSTEAD
  27. Rhys MICHELIS
  29. Lia MORGAN
  30. Anne MICHELIS
  31. Liam FARDEY
  32. Kyle MORGAN
  33. Ellie MORGAN
  34. Ann RIZIO
  35. Margaret LITTLEWOOD
  36. Zondrae KING
  37. Matilda DEBOWSKI
  38. Lucas DEBOWSKI
  39. Wayne KING
  40. Monica LOFTUS
  41. Craig ASH
  42. Joshua BEGGS
  43. Camilla BEGGS
  44. Etrieka BOULTON
  45. Isaac BOULTON
  46. Chloe BOULTON
  47. Sean BOULTON
  48. Georgina HERMANS
  49. Vicki McGUIRE
  50. Oliver BANNISTER
  51. Ameila BANNISTER and Declan JENKINSON
  52. Conor VAUGHAN
  53. Tin VAUGHAN
  54. Benjamin LINDNER
  55. Melissa FELLOWS
  56. Max DRIVER
  1. Morgan DRIVER
  2. Robin BANKS
  3. Alea SMITH
  4. Sonia DEBURGH
  5. Susan DEBURGH
  7. Charlotte TAYLOR
  8. William TAYLOR
  9. Lee DAYNES
  10. Jacqui MacDORMITT
  11. Natasia McFARLANE
  12. Don RICHMOND
  13. Tony BOULTON
  14. Flora PENA
  15. Leo EDWARDS
  16. Rob TAUNOVIC
  17. Ann HOLMES
  18. Bill JORDON
  19. Christine HICKSON
  20. Chloe JENKINSON
  21. John BANKS
  22. Jack CORNELL
  23. Phil and Mac SENNETT
  24. Sophia JORDON
  25. Bill JENKINS
  26. Ochre BANKS
  27. Peter WOODS
  28. Lorriane COULTON
  29. Lalika JENKINS
  30. Jocelyn INGRAM
  31. Scott JORGENSEN
  32. Jeruah BULL
  33. D'Artagnan LEWIS
  34. Patrick LEWIS
  35. Natasha LEWIS
  36. Kirrilee LEWIS
  37. Neil ROWSELL
  38. Emily LEWIS
  39. Fran STEVENS
  40. Luca STEWENS
  42. Graham CHALKER
  43. Mia FAHEY
  44. Andrew MAIN
  45. Felicity FAHEY
  46. Lyndell BOULTON
  47. Cleo LYKOS
  48. Jennifer BOLLIGER
  49. Walter BOLLIGER
  50. Maureen CASHMAN
  51. Jonathan HARRIMAN
  52. Gabriell KRUCLER
  53. Roy HARVEY
  1. Molly HAYES
  2. Clancy RAYMONE
  3. Carralyn ROBERTSON
  4. Janice ALDRIDGE
  6. John McINNES
  8. Matthew CUSACK-REMOS
  9. Stephanie O'MAY
  10. Georgis NEWMAN
  11. Tozé NEWMAN
  12. Adrian NEWMAN
  13. Iris CADDY
  14. Anna MARTIN
  15. Jai FLOWERS
  16. Ridley FLOWERS
  17. Rachel LOW
  18. Brittany LEWIS
  19. Bill GALER
  20. Davin BAKER
  21. Ash BAKER
  22. Helen ROMEO
  23. Tony ROMEO
  24. Vanessa LOCKWOOD
  25. Martin FROHLICH and Robert ORR
  26. Albert HARG
  27. Joannie SAWYER
  28. Margaret MONKHOUSE
  29. Bradley DEACON
  30. Tony WESTON
  31. Keith SAYERS

                      ....... and I would obviously welcome any additions or corrections to that that anyone can offer.

                      ....... and to help you get from a name to a number :
ALDRIDGE       Janice         188       DALTON         Noon           4	        HICKSON        Christine      142       MORONEY        Katie          8
ANDERSON       Graham         51        DAYNES         Lee            131       HIGGINS        Ray            33        NEWMAN         Georgia        194
ASH            Craig          103       DEACON         Bradley        241       HOLMES         Ann            139       NEWMAN         Toze           195
BAKER          Liz            58        DEBOWSKI       Matilda        99        HOWLETT        Letitia        54        NEWMAN         Adrian         196
BAKER          Dawn           208       DEBOWSKI       Lucas          100       HUTCHESSON     Cyril          23        O'LEARY        Jodie          87
BAKER          Ash            210       DEBURGH        Sonia          126       HUTCHESSON     Diana          24        OMAY           Stephanie      193
BALNAVE        Kit-Meng       13        DEBURGH        Susan          127       INGRAM         Jocelyn        154       ORR            Robert         236
BANKS          Robin          124       DENISE         Alex           9         JENKINS        Bill           149       PATTERSON      Rob            171
BANKS          John           144       DONALD         Cameron        81        JENKINS        Lalika         153       PENA           Flora          136
BANKS          Ochre          150       DRIVER         Max            122       JENKINSON      Cloe           143       POOLEY         Jan            60
BANNISTER      Oliver         113       DRIVER         Morgan         123       JORDON         Bill           141       RAE            Bryan          47
BANNISTER      Amelia         114       EDWARDS        Leo            137       JORDON         Sophia         148       RAYMONE        Clancy         186
BANNISTER      Tony           189       FAHEY          Mia            173       JORGENSEN      Scott          155       RICHARDSON     Doug           52
BARRELL        James          14        FAHEY          Felicity       175       KAYE           Margaret       43        RICHMOND       Don            134
BARRELL        Caroline       231       FARDEY         Liam           93        KING           Zondrae        98        RIZIO          Ann            96
BEGGS          Joshua         105       FELLOWS        Melissa        121       KING           Wayne          101       ROBERTSON      Margaret       28
BEGGS          Camilla        106       FITZGERALD     Eric           40        KRUCLER        Gabrielle      183       ROBERTSON      Carralyn       187
BENNETT        Brenda         32        FITZGERALD     Chris          49        KUTTEL         Jenny          73        ROMEO          Helen          211
BILLINGS       Ken            64        FITZGERALD     Anna           59        LESLEY         Tyeesha        75        ROMEO          Tony           222
BLISS          Peter          45        FITZGERALD     Conor          128       LEWIS          D'Artagnan     158       ROSE           Peter          1
BOLLIGER       Jennifer       178       FLOW           Rachel         205       LEWIS          Patrick        159       ROSE           Chris          10
BOLLIGER       Walter         180       FLOWERS        Jai            201       LEWIS          Natasha        161       ROWSELL        Neil           165
BOLTON         Bob            5         FLOWERS        Ridley         203       LEWIS          Kimlee         164       SAWYER         Joannie        239
BOULTON        Etieka         107       FOSTER         Ian            25        LEWIS          Emily          166       SAYERS         Keith          243
BOULTON        Isaac          108       FREEMAN        Molly          6         LEWIS          Brittany       206       SENNETT        Phil and Mac   146
BOULTON        Chloe          109       FREEMAN        Christine      71        LINDNER        Benjamin       117       SMITH          Jewel          17
BOULTON        Sean           110       FROHLICH       Ellen          27        LITTLEWOOD     Margaret       97        SMITH          Cameron        46
BOULTON        Tony           135       FROHLICH       Martin         237       LOCKWOOD       Vanessa        223       SMITH          Alea           125
BOULTON        Lyndell        176       GALER          Bill           207       LOFTUS         Monica         102       ST-CYR         Dominic        39
BOUSTEAD       Felix          86        GALLUZI        Richard        78        LONGBOTTOM     Rob            90        STEVENS        Fran           169
BOUSTED        Isabel         88        GALLUZI        Sara           85        LOVELL         Keith          29        STEWENS        Luca           170
BROUGH         Maddison       21        GARNETT        Bede           82        LYKOS          Cleo           177       STOCKDALE      Thomas         80
BROUGH         Margaret       22        GARNETT        Maggie         83        MACDORMITT     Jacqui         132       STUCKEY        Audrey         72
BROWN          Elliot         77        GARNETT        Kiri           84        MAIN           Andrew         174       SULLIVAN       Chris          38
BULL           Abiah          65        GILLIES        Honor          56        MARTIN         Anna           199       TAUNOVIC       Bob            138
BULL           Ian            67        GOODING        Marilyn        30        MASSEY         Rachel         15        TAYLOR         Janice         18
BULL           Jeruah         156       GOREING        Martin         12        MCFARLANE      Natasia        133       TAYLOR         Charlotte      129
BYERSBORF      Pam            42        GRACE          Richard        57        MCGUIRE        Vicky          112       TAYLOR         William        130
CADDY          Iris           197       HAJNCL         Fwank          20        MCINNES        John           190       VAUGHAN        Conor          115
CALLAGHAN      Graham         19        HALL           Ella           16        MCLEAN         Neil           63        VAUGHAN        Tin            116
CAMERON        Rosemary       79        HALLIDAY       Ian            2         MESTAN         Eltan          31        VEEKEN         John           61
CASHMAN        Maureen        181       HALLIDAY       Grace          7         MICHELIS       Rhys           89        WALKER         Anne           74
CHALKER        Graham         172       HAMILTON       Kay            37        MICHELIS       Anne           92        WELLS          Robyn          76
CHARTERS       Chris          66        HANSON         Dawn           11        MONKHOUSE      Margaret       240       WESTON         Tony           242
CHARTERS       Lorraine       68        HARG           Albert         238       MOORE          Andre          34        WHITE          Bruce          48
CHRISTIANSEN   Cait           3         HARRIMAN       Jonathan       182       MOORE          Isla           35        WILKINSON      Vicki          69
COBB           Michelle       70        HARVEY         Roy            184       MOORE          Lewis          36        WILLIAMS       Ann            26
COPPA          Michele        55        HAYES          Molly          185       MORGAN         Lia            91        WISEMAN        Molly          62
CORNELL        Jack           145       HERMANS        Georgina       111       MORGAN         Kyle           94        WOODS          Peter          151
COULTON        Lorraine       152       HIBBERD        Nammi          44        MORGAN         Ellie          95        WRIGHT         James          50


International International Index