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         By agreement, each factor was subjected to three tests:

             (i)  did it distinguish to some degree or in some way between

                   the resourcefulness of one parish and that of another;

            (ii)  was it available - i.e. was it reasonably within the

                   competence of each parochial church council to supply

                   that item of data as regards their own parish; and

            (iii)  was it potentially appropriate as a means of allocating

                   all or part of the diocesan share; (note that at this

                   stage it was not being decided which part - that choice

                   came later).

         Only if it passed all three tests was a factor deemed a criterion

available for further consideration. In the columns which follow a

√ indicates approval, a X disapproval, and a ? lack of consensus.

The last column is the result of all three. Quotations are from

participants in the discussions.

Financial criteria
Average (over the previous financial year) of the weekly:

         (a) direct giving, both envelope and plate       √     √     √          √

         (b) fees                                                             √     √     ?           ?

         (c) income from events ("all peculiar meth-

               ods of obtaining income")                          √     √     ?           ?

         (d) interest, rents, etc., not generated

               by extant congregation.                             ?     √     ?           ? Average (over the previous several years) of the weekly:

         (a) direct giving, both envelope and plate       √     √     X          X

         (b) fees                                                             √     √     X           X

         (c) income from events ("all peculiar meth-

               ods of obtaining income")                          √     √     X           X

         (d) interest, rents, etc., not generated

               by extant congregation.                             ?     √     X           X

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