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the changing volume and structure of the diocesan share (as shown in

Figure 1.) should continue far into the future then it is possible to

foresee a time when the parishes would again become restless at the

comparative coarseness of the way in which potential income distinguishes

between their respective resources.

Isolating Parish Variables

         The initial conception of the variables was achieved by a quizzing

technique - asking anyone who was in a position to be sensitive to

inter-parochial differences to make a list of such variables as might

be relevant. Those responding were specifically instructed not to

limit themselves to what seemed to them practical, but rather to

record anything which pointed to a difference in resourcefulness

between one parish and another. The reason for this was that ideas

are precious and should not be stifled at birth but rather be circulated

and given chance to mature. Those ideas that really are impractical

can easily be eliminated later, and there is always the chance that an

idea impractical in its original conception can be amended by a

different point of view into something more viable. The list that

emerged from this quizzing ran to some fifty factors, but there also

emerged some markedly varying points of view. Indeed so diverse were

some opinions that it was hardly possible to handle them in one-off

interviews - it was evidently essential that if the eventual formula

was to have any chance of viability then those differing points of

view should be brought together and requested to simultaneously

consider each factor. This was done at a series of meetings but was

only partially successful, partly because of difficulty in arranging

times and places convenient to all, and partly because, on some factors,

consensus could not be achieved. Nevertheless useful work was done,

and whilst the results which follow must not be treated as perfect,

they can be considered a prepared basis from which to proceed further.

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