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5. Please indicate the number of separate accounts with the bank
(or with the Building Society, Central Board of Finance) you
are responsible for.
Number of Accounts 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11
Number of Parishes 1 6 5 7 6 2 2 1
6. Do you think that your annual accounts are easily understood by
other members of your parish or could they, in your opinion, be
simplified or re-drafted to make the information clearer?
Adequate as they are 29
Could be simplified 2
1. Please indicate briefly how you were appointed as Treasurer.
2. Please indicate briefly whether you are happy to continue as
Treasurer or whether, if the opportunity arose, you would wish
to hand the job to another person.
3. Do you feel that you had sufficient training to be able to do the
job as Treasurer when you were appointed? If not, a brief descrip-
tion of the difficulties you encountered would be useful.