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         (Thirty-five were despatched - thirty-one replies were received.

Descriptive questions were provided with several lines on which to

record answers.)

Please answer as many questions as possible


1.   Please tick the appropriate box to show how long you have been
      a Parish Treasurer.

      Under 1 year 0     1-5 years 15     5-10 years 5     over 10 years 10

2.   Have you any professional qualification in accountancy (for instance:
      Chartered Accountant; Cost and Works Accountant; Institute of Book-
      keepers; Chartered Secretary, etc.)?

                 Yes   8

                 No  22

3.   Please indicate, by ticking appropriate box, how long (on average)
      your Treasurer's duties take you each week.

                Under one hour       3

                One to two hours   13

                Two to five hours   11

                Over five hours         3

4.   Are you entirely responsible for the accounts of your parish or
      are the duties shared with the vicar, churchwardens or others (for
      instance, do other members of the Church assist with the keeping
      of certain accounts)?

                 Solely responsible   21

                          Others assist     9

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