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7. continued ......
Any comments you have on this would be appreciated.
1. Do you raise the bulk of your parish finance by means of weekly
offerings or by special fund-raising events (or both)?
Weekly offerings 14
Special events 0
Both   17
2. Please indicate briefly the reasons why your parish raises its
income in the way it does (for instance the parish may not approve
of stewardship or may prefer the social events in the parish
3. Does your parish seek advice when dealing with the investment of
funds and, if so, from whom?
Yes 16
No 14
Source of advice ........................................................................
4. Finally, do you feel that your parish receives any financial support
from non-parishioners, and what are your views on those who do not
support the Church financially but use it as a convenience for
weddings, funerals and baptisms?
Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Please return it to Keith
Sayers in the enclosed stamped addressed envelope.
Signed ............................................................
Parish .............................................................