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time, Ollrich," he answered, "keep your courage up! As soon as the drilling is over, you'll be able to earn something. And who knows - perhaps we'll soon be out on campaign again, and then". He said no more but I well understood his meaning, and went home in better spirits, as if I had been speaking with my father.
, and I would swear on oath for him as well as myself that we never laid a finger on any of them. As soon as drill was over, we would hasten together to Schottmann's cellar, drink our can of Ruhin or Gottwitz beer, smoke a pipeful and carol a Swiss song. The men of Brandenburg and Pomerania55
always liked to listen to us. Sometimes gentlefolk, even, would send to call us into an eating-house, to sing the cowherds' song56
for them. The musicians' reward usually consisted of only a dish of coarse broth, but in such a situation one would be content with worse.48. Amongst other matters, my description of Berlin:
- the houses are as tall as in the cities of the Empire, but the streets are not so wide as in Neustadt or Friedrichstadt; there, however, the houses are built lower but more uniformly, for even the smallest of them, inhabited by very poor folk, look at least clean and neat. In many places there are huge empty squares, which sometimes serve as drill- or parade-grounds, sometimes no purpose at all; further on there are fields, gardens, avenues, all enclosed in the city.58
, on horseback as large as life, cast in bronze, and some sons of Anak59
with curly hair sit in fetters at his feet; then down the Spree to the Weidendamm, a gay place; then to the54
Bräker is referring to prostitutes; Berlin was said at that time to have more of them than any other European city.
Another province of Prussia.
In German "Kuhreihen", but better known under the French title "Ranz des vaches". Coxe [v 2 pp 116-7] says that Swiss soldiers in French service were forbidden to sing it because it made them homesick and prompted them to desert. The American Louis Simond [p 108], hearing it in the early 19th century, writes: "... the notes, singularly wild and melancholy, and yet lively, were frequently interrupted by a sudden shriek, very like those in the war songs of the American savages". This might mean that the chorus included yodelling.
Berlin and Cölln had originally been two cities, on the east and the west banks of the Spree, but they had been united as one city since 1432. Neustadt and Friedrichstadt were suburbs of the city.
A monument to a former ruler, the Elector Frederick William, by Andreas Schlüter. It is now in the courtyard of the palace of Charlottenburg.
Giants, see Numbers 13, v 33.
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