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                parishes should (be) distributed between them on an

                equitable basis.

- The scheme should be simple to operate,

                requiring neither complicated returns from parishes nor

                excessive administrative work in the Diocesan office. It

                should be capable of being explained by the average PCC

                Treasurer to Church Members.

- The scheme should not operate as a

                disincentive to parishes to increase their income.

Sharing of Responsibility
- The scheme should encourage

                the giving of individuals and parishes to be related both

                to their resources and the total needs of the Church.

Involvement of the Deaneries
- The scheme must enable

                Deaneries to fulfil their growing and important role of

                applying local knowledge to achieve a fair distribution

                of financial responsibility between their parishes."

         Figure 6 shows, in slightly clarified form, the results of the

survey conducted by Catton, summarising which we find:

                    22 dioceses use actual income

                    13 dioceses use potential income

                      2 dioceses use an 'own' system

dioceses use a blend of actual and potential

         Of the twenty-one dioceses who said they were satisfied with

their method, nine were using actual income, nine potential income,

one an 'own' system and two were using blends - in other words a

fairly even division between actual and potential. And of the eleven

who were not satisfied, nine were using actual income and two were

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