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B and C) one Sunday in three. The average congregation per service

would be 60, but the average per Sunday only 20. And if part of

diocesan share were allocated on size of congregation, then the

Diocese could, by making that 'congregation per Sunday' effectively

reduce those parishes' liabilities if they were prepared to so combine.

If the saving was sufficiently large then it is reasonable to think

that parishes would tend to follow the Diocesan line. (Conversely

of course, the Diocese could discourage combined services, and

encourage separate services in each church by making the criterion

'congregation per service'.) To use a formula in this way it must

be composed of a sufficient number of divisions to enable the Diocese -

by budgeting for an adequate working balance - to make up any shortfall

elsewhere, and it is also necessary for diocesan policy to be clear

and intelligible to parishes. But, remembering that the Diocese is

facing a number of issues (e.g. disposition of clergy) for the

adequate handling of which parochial cooperation is essential, and,

foreseeing the possibility that the share will continue to increase

substantially, this is a facility which may, at some future date,

merit re-appraisal.

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