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Calculation of the Formula

         It had been the intention, for the purposes of this dissertation,

to calculate a formula showing the share applicable to each parish

(or at least to a representative selection of parishes), but in view

of the failure to agree on criteria for the two divisions of Ministry

and Other, that becomes hardly possible. Nevertheless it may be

useful to enumerate briefly the procedure, and for simplicity we will

work on percentages rather than actual values.

         Each of our two divisions contains a percentage of the total

share - currently 67 per cent and 33 per cent. Let us assume that

one simple criterion had been adopted for each division - say 'number

of clergy' for the Ministry division. Then the amount of that

criterion in each parish - say 2 clergy in parish A - becomes the

numerator, and the amount of that criterion in the Diocese - say

120 clergy - the denominator, of a fraction which is multiplied by

that division's percentage of gross. Thus:

x 67% = 1.1%

This 1.1% is parish A's share for this division. Calculating likewise

for each parish and summating will again produce 67 per cent.

         If for the next division (Other) the choice had been 'number

of confirmations', of which, say, 2,000 in the Diocese and 40 in

parish A, then the second calculation is:

x 33% = .66%

It is now possible to combine the two figures for parish A and find

their proportion of total diocesan share:

                  1.1% + .66% = 1.76%

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