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valuation on the benefits received from the Church.

         It had been hoped to pursue this theme further, but in the absence

of adequate anterior research (and one authority was able to state with

reasonable certainty that none existed
) this became effectively

impossible within the time available. We must therefore leave it with

only a note that it would appear to be another area meriting further


The Parish Questionnaire

         In order to obtain some basic information about the parochial

level which was felt to be relevant to the diocesan level, a question-

naire was despatched to a selected list of parish treasurers. The

questionnaire itself is reproduced in Appendix A and what follows in

this section are some comments on the format and then on the results.

2.5.1 Some comments and afterthoughts on the format

         Since parochial account-keeping is an area known to be diverse

("The methods of church accounting vary so much that it is difficult

to say whether there are 'generally recognized accounting principles'

for churches"
), the drafting of the questions was the subject of

considerable thought; and as the area had been so poorly researched

before there was little guidance available as to which sorts of ques-

tions would produce the most useful results. Eventually a format was

adopted which erred on the side of brevity and simplicity at the expense

of full technical detail, in the hope that this would yield a high res-

ponse rate and at least show up major, easily-identifiable trends. To

circulate all the parishes was deemed too expensive and accordingly a

selected list was prepared by the Diocesan Secretary, working principally

on two criteria. The first of these was a preference for treasurers who

would probably reply. The second was to select from within that group

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