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Articles in Periodicals

 (i)    Quoted in text.

P  1   Baws, N., Propping up Crumbling History,
Financial Guardian
, 3rd
         August 1978, p 14.

P  2   Cartwright, F.F., Villages in a Changing World, Letter to the
         Editor of
The Times
31st August 1978, p 17.

P  3   French, E.A., Physical Capital Maintenance in Income Measurement -
         An Exemplification,
Accounting and 8usiness Research
, vol. 6, No. 25,
         Winter 1976, pp 36-44.

P  4   Hussey, D.E., Corporate Planning for a Church,
Long Range Planning
         Vol.7, No. 2, April 1974, pp 6l-64.

P  5   King, G.M., Mercer, A. and Smith, D.K., Towards Diocesan Planning,
Journal of the Operational Research Society
, Vol. 29, No. 9,
         September 1978, pp 859-866.

P  6   Lester, T., The Church's Three Foundations,
Management Today
         May 1975, pp 80-92.

P  7   Parker, A., The Church and Mammon, The Director, Vol. 23, No. 8,
         February 1971, PP 212-216.

P  8   Petri, F., Banking Seminar Tackles Problems of Church Finances,
, February 1969, Vol. 61, No. 8, p 6l.

P  9   Tavernier, G., Applying Management Skills to Religious Work,
International Management
, Vol. 29, No. 10, October 1974, pp 20-23.

P10   (Unsigned), Commercial Cheer for Empty Churches,
The Economist

         Vol. 257, No. 6904, 20th December 1975, p 65.

P11   (Unsigned), Less Than Faithful,
The Economist
, vol. 254, No. 6862,
         1st March 1975, p 45.

P12   (Unsigned), State Cash to the Rescue,
The Economist
, vol. 254,
         No. 6862, 1st March 1975, p 27.

P13   (Unsigned), How You Rate Your Jobs,
Money Which?
, September 1977,
         pp 489-493.

P14   Weiss, E.B., Here's a Novel Solution to Churchs' Economic Problems,
Advertising Age
, Vol. 42, No. 42, 18th October 1971, p 54.

 (ii)    Consulted during research but not quoted in text.

         Ellis, L.O., Internal Control for Churches and Community
CPA Journal
, Vol. 44, No. 5, May 1974, pp 45-48.

         Floyd, A.C., Management Accounting for Churches,

, Vol. 50, No. 6, February 1969, pp 56-59

         Hinings, C.R. and Foster, B.D., The Organization Structure of
         Churches: A Preliminary Model,
7, 1973, pp 93-103.

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