- 125 -

         Diocese of Bradford, Report of the Bishop of Bradford's Finance
         Commission, Diocese of Bradford, 1961.

         General Synod of the Church of England, Enquiry into Church
         Finance, Church Information Office, 1974.

         Hayes, D., Keeping Accounts: A Handbook for voluntary
         Organisations, Bedford Square Press of the National Council of
         Social Service, 1974, 0 7199 0865 5.

         Latourette, K.S., A History of Christianity Vol II Reformation
         to the Present, Harper and Row, 1975, 0 06 064953 4.

         MacNaughton, J., Stewardship: Myth and Methods, Seabury Press,
         1975, 0 8164 2112 9.

         Paul, L., A Church by Daylight, Chapman, 1973, 0 225 65979 4.

         Thompson, K.A., Bureaucracy and Church Reform, Oxford University
         Press, 1970, 0 19 826426 7.

         Wunder, H.J., A Guide to Financial Stability for Churches,
         Vantage, 1971.

(iii)    Other relevant sources.

         Collins, J.D. and Collins, H.R., A Guide to Church Accounts,
         Atlantis, 1973.

         Dean, D.K., Direct Giving and Parish Finance, Church Pastoral
         Aid Society, 1959.

         Harrison, F., Practical Church Financing, Aero Medical, 1970,
         0 912522 58 5.

         Hess, B. and Hess, M., How to Have a Giving Church, Abingdon,
         1974, 0 687 17808 8.

         Johnson, D.W., Program Planning and Budgeting for the Churches,
         National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., 1970.

         Knudsen, R.B., New Models for Financing the Local Church,
         Association Press, 1974, 0 8096 1892 3.

         Peterson, R.E., Handling the Church's Money, Bethany, 1965,
         0 8272 1400 6.

         Poulton, J., Giving to God: The Practice of Christian Stewardship,
         Lutterworth, 1962.

         Powers, B.W., The Principles and Practice of Religious Accounting
         and Taxation, Jordan Books, 1965.

         Werning,W.J., The Stewardship Call: An Approach to Personal and
         Group Stewardship based on the Concept of Christian Vocation,
         Concordia, 1965.

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