- 120 -

area with problems such as bad housing and high immigrant population

should be 90p per week per giving unit, rising to 140p for the most

financially able parishes. This yields a scale at some point along

which each parish had to be located. To decide which point the

assessors seem to be guided partly by a comparison of financial

returns and partly by intuition; it appears to have been not a

difficult operation, mutual agreement being, in most cases, quickly

reached, albeit with a tendency to cluster in the band 105p to

120p, and to avoid both extremes.

         The final stages were straightforward arithmetic, multiplication

of rate by number of units yields a potential income per parish,

and summation of those, a potential income for the Diocese. This

total potential income then becomes the denominator, and each

parish's potential income the numerator, of the fraction by which

the total diocesan share is multiplied to ascertain that parish's share.

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