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         The objects of potential income are to achieve a degree of

equality in the measurement of parochial ability to pay a proportion

of the diocesan share, and to stimulate parochial resourcefulness

by setting a target. Under the former system based on actual income

there was an inherent bias which placed a greater burden on those

parishes which were making a strenuous effort to maximise their

income, and a correspondingly lower burden on those perhaps more

lethargic parishes who were content to 'muddle through' on a lower

income. In order to be more equitable, all parishes are now

assessed on notional figures of what they could reasonably be

expected to achieve if they made the necessary effort. Initially

instituted in 1974 under the semi-professional guidance of a team

from the Lichfield diocese, a revision was made during 1977 (to

become effective in 1978) by an intra-diocesan team.

         The decision to use an intra-diocesan team was made by the

Board of Finance in 1977 and each rural dean was asked to nominate

one individual. The resultant group of eight persons were given a

series of three training sessions during which they were appraised of

the objects, the methods previously used, and the difficulties likely

to be encountered. These sessions also included a 'dummy run' on

figures for unnamed parishes. They were then allocated to deaneries

other than their own (so that none was required to assess his own

parish), supplied by the Diocesan Secretary with data (including the

Secretary's confidential opinion of what would be an appropriate

result) relative to each of that deanery's parishes, and arrangements

made for them to meet in turn, small teams of parochial representatives.

         At these meetings the basic procedure seems to have been fairly

standard and we can conveniently appraise it by taking a typical

example :

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